Rongqin Huang Lab
School of Pharmacy, Fudan University
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Our recent work on “Mesoporous Carbon Nanospheres Featured Fluorescent Aptasensor for Multiple Diagnosis of Cancer in Vitro and in Vivo” was accepted by ACS Nano - 2015.11.20

Our recent work on “Mesoporous Carbon Nanospheres Featured Fluorescent Aptasensor for Multiple Diagnosis of Cancer in Vitro and in Vivo” was accepted by ACS Nano. Oxide mesoporous carbon nanospheres (OMCN) with well-organized morphology were synthesized, and an aptasensor (OMCN/P0-Cy3) was prepared by non-covalent binding with a fluorescent single DNA probe (P0-Cy3) through “π-π” interaction. This aptasensor can specifically bind with the tumor biomarker “mucin 1” which overexpresses in malignancy tumors, and implemented the “Turn-on” bio-detective effect of tumor. This new-type aptasensor can detect cancer cells in vitro and in vivo, which not only quantify the mucin 1 and MCF-7 cells in buffer solution with high sensitivity, but also realize the high-resolution imaging of tumor cells, in vitro tissues and in vivo tumors. This work was mainly accomplished by Chengyi Li.

