Rongqin Huang Lab
School of Pharmacy, Fudan University
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Prof. Ernst Wagner, academician of European Academy of Sciences, gave a wonderful report on ‘Bioinspired Design of Drugs, Proteins and Nucleic Acid Carriers by Chemical Evolution’ at School of Pharmacy, Fudan University. Prof. Rongqin Huang chaired the meeting . - 2017.10.30

Prof. Ernst Wagner, academician of European Academy of Sciences, from School of Pharmacy, LMU, Germany, is an internationally renowned expert in nonviral gene therapy. Prof. Wagner was invited to give a wonderful report on ‘Bioinspired Design of Drugs, Proteins and Nucleic Acid Carriers by Chemical Evolution’, at School of Pharmacy, Fudan University, on Oct. 10. He put forward many new concepts and ideas to the researchers in the relative fields. All of the audience benefited a lot from his talk. Thanks to Prof. Ernst Wagner for his arrival and hope that we could achieve gratifying results under his inspiration in the future.

